Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Now that I'm back on the "blogging bandwagon" I'm excited to start posting again. If Mason allows me to share my attention with anything besides him, that is. He seems to want more "mommy time" as he gets older which makes it hard for me to get anything else done. Not that I really mind :)

It seems like the last year has been such a whirlwind. Kyle and I went from being a carefree, adventurous couple who took spontaneous weekend trips.. to exhausted parents of a sweet baby boy who get overjoyed at the thought of "sleeping in" until 7 a.m. There's no doubt about the fact that it's now Mason's world and we  just live in it. Truth is.. we wouldn't have it any other way. No matter how many dirty diapers or sleepless nights we both know just how lucky we are to have such a wonderful little person in our lives. It's crazy how much you can love something so small. And it doesn't stop.. you keep loving them more and more every single day. You love them until it feels like your heart could just explode. (Don't worry, it won't)

Tomorrow Mason will be 11 weeks old. I don't know how the time has gone by so fast. Sometimes I wish I could slow it down, rewind it, relive it. I know he'll keep growing, learning, become stronger and smarter.. but there are days that I wish he could be this small and innocent forever.

I remember being pregnant and being so scared that I wouldn't know how to take care of a baby. I worried and stressed for months about every tiny little thing. Ran through every worst case scenario in my mind. And then when he finally came, and we brought our sweet baby home, somehow we just knew what to do. I'm not saying we're perfect parents. We've probably done certain things wrong and, no doubt, will make plenty of mistakes in the future. But we try. And we've come a long way. For example, I don't check to make sure he's still breathing EVERY time he goes to sleep now.. :)

Things have definitely changed.. but I can't say that I would change anything. I'm happy, blessed, thankful..


  1. Thanks for the comment on my blog... the Lord has been gracious in teaching me how to grieve and how to survive. He gives what you need. Congrats on your son! It's fun to have another boy completely in love with you, eh?
